Thursday, February 22, 2007

Farewell, Friends

It’s the saddest day of all,
Farewell oh, all my friends
We came along so far
Around life's curves and bends

We played as kids on streets
And grew up wise old men
Each one his share of pleasure
Each one his share of pain

We shared some great good laughs
And shed some tears together
And whether drunk or in death
Gave each other our shoulder

We had our share of fights
Didn't see each eye to eye
But every time, we came along
As time went by and by

Each moment spent together
Our bonds just grew stronger
We were all friends forever
We will be friends forever

Suresh Nair

(Feb 07)


Let's pretend to be strangers
Without a history,
What happens between us,
Remain a mystery.

Because the past will haunt us
And future's uncertain,
Let's enjoy the moment
Neither of us interned

Suresh Nair
Feb 2007

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Live On

Why is it that life goes on
Though the desire to live ceases
The softness of the skin long lost,
All there's left are creases

Legs too weak to hold upright,
The mind plays tricks on you,
The sight is just a blurry face
Those ears deceive you too

Maybe there are some in your life
Who care and love you much
Who share their memories with you
Who longed once for your touch

So God says, 'Live on for a while,
It may not mean much to you,
But every moment that you live,
Brings countless joy to those few"

Suresh Nair
(Feb 07)

एक फांदी चार पक्षी

एक फांदीवर चार पक्षी एवढ्या visual वर सुचलेली एक कविता. कधी कधी कविता आपसूक स्वतःचे एक वळण घेते, आपला तसा हेतू नसला तरी.. एक फांदी चार पक्षी...