अंगणात पारिजातकाचा सडा पडे, कधी फुले वेचायला येशील इकडे (When will you come, to pick the flowers from my garden)
Saturday, April 17, 2021
मूषकायन - एक कथाकथन
Friday, November 20, 2020
बागेमधला बाक एकला (A Solitary Bench in the Park)
A touching, short picture story in Marathi.
One of my friend, who is a keen photographer, posted this picture one day on Facebook of a solitary bench. This prompted me to write a 4 line verse. That was that until couple of years later I had to write something for a short skit and I used this as a base to come up with s storyline. The skit didnt happen as planned and with Covid restrictions I decided to do it in a abhivachan/ picture story form. Hopefully it captures the essence of love, loss and compassion in a meaningful way.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Rada (राडा) - A Short Marathi Film
A short entertaining homemade film made during the 2020 lockdown period and a sequel of Kadha (काढा), another short film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7EbodVJAZ0&t=1s
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Ganeshotsav 2020
2020 has been unusual in many aspects and a tamed down Ganapati celebration with only close family was one. However we were able to share this video on a Zoom call with many friends which made us feel as if celebrating together. It also gave a chance for a throwback to the past.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Short Film - Friends
Saturday, June 6, 2020
काढा (Kadha) - A short film
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Locked at Home
At a personal level also there were a lot of life learning experiences as we stumbled, adjusted, explored and thrived in the situation as time went by. Here is a short video that I created about my stay-at-home experience.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
'रसिका तुझ्याचसाठी'
एक फांदी चार पक्षी
एक फांदीवर चार पक्षी एवढ्या visual वर सुचलेली एक कविता. कधी कधी कविता आपसूक स्वतःचे एक वळण घेते, आपला तसा हेतू नसला तरी.. एक फांदी चार पक्षी...

Recently I got to watch 'Sakharam Binder', a controversial Marathi play by Vijay Tendulkar. It was first brought on stage in 1972 b...
सुखाच्या कल्पना प्रत्येकाच्या निराळ्या कुणाला गुलाब हवा कुणाला बकुळीच्या कळ्या शेकडो श्वासांपैकी तेवढेच आठवतात मला जे...
आयुष्याच्या पूर्वार्धात खूप काही गोष्टी आपण ठरवतो, स्वप्न रंगवतो, इच्छा - आकांक्षा यांचे मनोरे रचतो. बरंच काही पूर्तीस येतं पण खूप क...