Friday, July 31, 2020

Neel Ponmane

Neel Ponmane (Blue Kingfisher) is originally a Malayalam film duet composed by Salil Chowdhary and sung by Yesudas with another singer. I have listened to this from childhood and love it. When I tried singing it on on Smule, Aai (my mother) said I am butchering the Malayalam words. So I wrote Marathi lyrics for two stanzas and sung the third in Malayalam. But this is not a word to word translation of the original song, just my own poetic attempt. A couple of lines in Malayalam that I understood ('ninde pat nyan ketu - I heard your song' and 'then kudikyun - drink nectar') I tried to incorporate in the Marathi version.

निळ्या निळ्या पाखरा, रे निळ्या निळ्या पाखरा
माझ्या अंगणी येऊन देई, कोणता संकेत रे तू, निळ्या पाखरा

जागती हृदयात ह्या, जुन्या हरवल्या आठवणी,
तू साद देताना, प्रतिसाद मी देते, तुझे मधुगान ऐकुनी

नाव ना तुज गाव ना, तरी ओळखीचा तू मला
हे बंध आपुले, मी आज जाणियले, पुरे देहभान हरपुनी

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

निळ्या निळ्या पाखरा

Neel Ponmane 

Neel Ponmane (Blue Kingfisher) is originally a Malayalam film duet composed by Salil Chowdhary and sung by Yesudas with another singer. I have listened to this from childhood and love it.
When I tried singing it on on Smule, Aai said I am butchering the Malayalam words. So I wrote Marathi lyrics for two stanzas and sung the third in Malayalam. But this is not a word to word translation of the original song, just my own poetic attempt. A couple of lines in Malalayam that I understood ('ninde pat nyan ketu' - I heard your song and 'then kudikyun' - drink nectar) I tried to incorporate in the Marathi version.
निळ्या निळ्या पाखरा रे निळ्या निळ्या पाखरा माझ्या अंगणी येऊन देई कोणता संकेत रे तू, निळ्या पाखरा
जागती हृदयात ह्या, जुन्या हरवल्या आठवणी, तू साद देताना, प्रतिसाद मी देते, पुरे देहभान हरपुनी नाव ना तुज गाव ना, तरी ओळखीचा तू मला हे बंध आपुले, मी आज जाणियले तुझे मधुगान ऐकुनी

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Short Film - Friends

Division in any form, whether it racism, casteism, religion, economic and social status is not healthy for us as a society. Some of these are inherently picked up at a young age from the people, their behaviors and environment around is. Hopefully this short film sends a big message to all of us. 

एक फांदी चार पक्षी

एक फांदीवर चार पक्षी एवढ्या visual वर सुचलेली एक कविता. कधी कधी कविता आपसूक स्वतःचे एक वळण घेते, आपला तसा हेतू नसला तरी.. एक फांदी चार पक्षी...