Thursday, April 2, 1987


Slowly the sun is hiding
Behind the mountain peaks
The twilight light is resting
Over the tops of trees

The doves and the sparrows
Are returning to their nest
The rabbits in their burrows
In peace, are taking rest

The flowers fall silent
Below the trees they lie
Their sweet, mild fragrance
Is filling the air with joy

Soon the night will join
With darkness in the woods
Alone the moon will shine
In sky clear of clouds

Suresh Nair


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एक फांदी चार पक्षी

एक फांदीवर चार पक्षी एवढ्या visual वर सुचलेली एक कविता. कधी कधी कविता आपसूक स्वतःचे एक वळण घेते, आपला तसा हेतू नसला तरी.. एक फांदी चार पक्षी...