Friday, November 20, 2020

बागेमधला बाक एकला (A Solitary Bench in the Park)


A touching, short picture story in Marathi.

One of my friend, who is a keen photographer, posted this picture one day on Facebook of a solitary bench. This prompted me to write a 4 line verse. That was that until couple of years later I had to write something for a short skit and I used this as a base to come up with s storyline. The skit didnt happen as planned and with Covid restrictions I decided to do it in a abhivachan/ picture story form. Hopefully it captures the essence of love, loss and compassion in a meaningful way.

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एक फांदी चार पक्षी

एक फांदीवर चार पक्षी एवढ्या visual वर सुचलेली एक कविता. कधी कधी कविता आपसूक स्वतःचे एक वळण घेते, आपला तसा हेतू नसला तरी.. एक फांदी चार पक्षी...