Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Every day I wear the same garland
Of fathomless pain around my neck
Made of flowers you once gave me
One, two or a handful at a time

They were really flowers back then
Fragrant, colorful, delicate in my palms
That gave vivid pleasure to my senses
And a blissful, lulling peace to my mind

Now they are like hard, heavy stones
A burden that I can just barely carry
Lighter in the distractions of the day
But heavier in the loneliness of night

I know it may be too much to expect
For you to give me fresh flowers again
But could you just, if only once, gift me
Some withered leaves and dried flowers?

Joyfully I will carry them around all day
And use as a pillow while resting at night
When it’s time to take my final leave
They can rest with me, ever and after

Suresh Nair

1 comment:

  1. Anyone familiar with Marathi Poet Aarti Prabhu's poem "Gele Dyayche Rahun, Tujhe Nakshatranche Dene" can see the seeds of this poem


ये पावसा

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